Ersatznetzleitstelle Hackfahrel, LWL Kabel einblasen/einziehen und spleißen (FBG-2024-0014) (Tender №106695700)

Country: Germany
Language: DE
Number: 106695700
Publication date: 28-06-2024


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Other tenders for this period

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, the greening, conservation and cemetery management agency for the City of Johannesburg Municipality, invites contractors from suitably legally registered companies for the following contract: Supply and deliver bulk liquified petroleum gas, natural gas and other specialised gases at various JCPZ Depots, and/or install and maintain bulk gas tanks at selected depots, Contract period: 36 months. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Water and wastewater quality analysis. Scope: - Full SANS 241:2015 on drinking water: HPC, E.coli, Faecal & Total coliform, Somatic coliphages, Colour, Turbidity, TDS, pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, K, F, Cl, NO2, NO3, PO4, SO4, NH4, Al, Sb, As, Ba, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, CN (total), Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, U, Zn, TOC, phenols, Free chlorine and THM. - National Water Act of 1998 on Waste: Faecal coliform, COD, pH, Ammonia, Nitrate, Free Chlorine, SS, EC, Phosphate, Fluoride, Oil & grease, As, Cd, Cr (VI), Cu, CN (free), Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, Zn, B. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: The Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Transport, invites tenders from contractors experienced in roadworks for the following: Betterment and Re-Gravelling on Road P432 between 3.2km to 11.2 km under Ulundi Local Municipality. Duration: 05 Months. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Servicing of fridges at Newcastle Local Office. Specifications: - Servicing and maintenance of cooling system parts and re-gassing of double door upright cooler, model: MPM240, litres: 1073, qty: 1 x double door fridge; - Re-gas and service of KIC supercool top freezer fridges (volume: Fridge = 192, Freezer = 73, total: 265L), qty: 3 x KIC fridge. Delivery address: 50 Paterson Street. Please note that this quotation was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

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