Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory GgmbH (Germany CSTMR№1080186): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Germany

Total: 4
31 oct
Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 117 657 (USD)
Price original: 120 000 (EUR)

Customer: Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory GgmbH

Number: 93402046

Country: Germany

Source: TED

22 jun
Civil engineering consultancy services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 83 341 (USD)
Price original: 85 000 (EUR)

Customer: Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory GgmbH

Number: 86203717

Country: Germany

Source: TED

01 feb
Infrastructure works consultancy services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 117 657 (USD)
Price original: 120 000 (EUR)

Customer: Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory GgmbH

Number: 76898088

Country: Germany

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 1080181

Country: Germany

Number: 1080182

Country: Germany

Number: 1080183

Country: Germany