Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality (Georgia CSTMR№1168985): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders. Page № 2

Country: Georgia

Total: 89
27 aug
Предметы личной гигиены (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 35 867
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
22 aug
Текстильные изделия (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 6 000
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
07 aug
Автотранспортные услуги (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 162 652
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
05 aug
Автомобили (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 52 000
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
31 jul
Мебельные аксессуары (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 22 350
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
16 jul
Различые продукты питания (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 116 025
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
01 jul
Различые продукты питания (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 124 313
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
24 jun
Различые продукты питания (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 75 640
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
12 jun
Молочные продукты (GE) add to Favorites
Contract value: 427 950
Customer: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality
Source: Preschool Agency of Gori Municipality

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Number: 1168983

Country: China

Source: CCGP

Number: 1168984

Country: China

Source: CCGP