AGEFIPH (Bagneux, France CSTMR№136035): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Phone: +33 800111009
Country: France
Town: Bagneux
Address: AGEFIPH
192 avenue Aristide Briand
Point(s) de contact: 92220
Téléphone: +33 800111009
Adresse(s) internet:
Adresse générale:
Adresse du profil d’acheteur:

Contracts: 293
tenders: 116
Source: TED
Contracts information is published selectively

Total: 19
15 dec
Coaching services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 96302997

Country: France

Source: TED

13 oct
Coaching services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 92472427

Country: France

Source: TED

20 sep
Coaching services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 91121775

Country: France

Source: TED

01 aug
Event services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 88401298

Country: France

Source: TED

14 jul
Event services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 87437099

Country: France

Source: TED

22 jun
Business development consultancy services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 4 655 911 (USD)
Price original: 4 748 610 (EUR)

Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 86198418

Country: France

Source: TED

19 jun
Event services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 85998540

Country: France

Source: TED

16 jun
Coaching services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 85871370

Country: France

Source: TED

26 may
Coaching services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 84867193

Country: France

Source: TED

08 may

Number: 83744461

Country: France

Source: TED

24 apr

Number: 82810371

Country: France

Source: TED

19 apr
Coaching services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 82472377

Country: France

Source: TED

07 apr
Survey design services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 81748435

Country: France

Source: TED

31 mar
Survey design services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 784 383 (USD)
Price original: 800 000 (EUR)

Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 81379394

Country: France

Source: TED

21 mar
Coaching services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 80663765

Country: France

Source: TED

10 feb

Number: 77596297

Country: France

Source: TED

06 feb
Auditing services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 980 479 (USD)
Price original: 1 000 000 (EUR)

Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 77245334

Country: France

Source: TED

20 jan
Evaluation consultancy services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 1 372 670 (USD)
Price original: 1 400 000 (EUR)

Customer: AGEFIPH

Number: 75996532

Country: France

Source: TED

23 nov

Number: 74207361

Country: France

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 136029

Country: Spain

Source: TED

Number: 136030

Country: Spain

Source: TED

Number: 136031

Country: Cyprus

Source: TED

Number: 136032

Country: Italy

Source: TED

Number: 136033

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 136034

Country: Greece

Source: TED