blanchisserie Inter-Hospitalière 95 (Gonesse, France CSTMR№1192648): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +33 130112406
Country: France
Town: Gonesse
Address: blanchisserie Inter-Hospitalière 95
1 bis avenue du maréchal Juin
Point(s) de contact: 95500
Téléphone: +33 130112406
Courriel: [email protected]
Adresse(s) internet:
Adresse principale:
Adresse du profil d’acheteur:

Total: 1
11 jul
Bed linen (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 1 176 574 (USD)
Price original: 1 200 000 (EUR)

Customer: blanchisserie Inter-Hospitalière 95

Number: 87248438

Country: France

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 1192642

Country: Austria

Source: TED

Number: 1192643

Country: Spain

Source: TED

Number: 1192644

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

Number: 1192645

Country: Germany

Source: TED

Number: 1192647

Country: France

Source: TED