Mairie Villepinte (Villepinte, France CSTMR№107721): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Phone: +33 141525300
Country: France
Town: Villepinte
Address: Mairie Villepinte
place de l"Hôtel de Ville
Point(s) de contact: 93420
Téléphone: +33 141525300
Code NUTS: FR106
Adresse(s) internet:
Adresse principale:
Adresse du profil d’acheteur:

Total: 10
15 sep
Construction work (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 22 845 153 (USD)
Price original: 23 300 000 (EUR)

Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 91016279

Country: France

Source: TED

28 aug
Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 431 411 (USD)
Price original: 440 000 (EUR)

Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 89966680

Country: France

Source: TED

12 jun
Alarm-monitoring services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 382 387 (USD)
Price original: 390 000 (EUR)

Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 85470887

Country: France

Source: TED

28 apr
Repair and maintenance services of central heating (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 83094398

Country: France

Source: TED

28 apr
Repair and maintenance services of central heating (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 83094399

Country: France

Source: TED

25 apr
Children"s holiday-camp services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 1 431 499 (USD)
Price original: 1 460 000 (EUR)

Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 82849425

Country: France

Source: TED

11 apr
Building materials (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 588 464 (USD)
Price original: 2 640 000 (EUR)

Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 81961113

Country: France

Source: TED

17 mar
Repair and maintenance services of central heating (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 941 436 (USD)
Price original: 3 000 000 (EUR)

Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 80414533

Country: France

Source: TED

18 jan
Printing and related services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 1 647 204 (USD)
Price original: 1 680 000 (EUR)

Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 75866971

Country: France

Source: TED

07 nov
Insurance services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: mairie Villepinte
Source: Mairie Villepinte

Number: 72948003

Country: France

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 107715

Country: France

Source: TED

Number: 107716

Country: France

Source: TED

Number: 107717

Country: France

Source: TED

Number: 107719

Country: Czech Republic

Source: TED

Number: 107720

Country: France

Source: TED