Odense Hospital Project Team Joint Venture I/S med følgende fuldt ansvarlige deltagere: Itinera S.P.A. og C.M.B Societá Cooperativa (Odense C, Denmark, Supplier №1191071): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Denmark
Town: Odense C
Address: Odense Hospital Project Team Joint Venture I/S med følgende fuldt ansvarlige deltagere: Itinera S.P.A. og C.M.B Societá Cooperativa, 39302675, c/o Coworking Plus, Kochsgade 31C, 1., Odense C, 5000, Denmark, Kontaktperson: 5000,
Currency: DKK
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Number: 1191066

Country: Belgium

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Number: 1191070

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