Rødovre Kommune, Teknisk Forvaltning (Rødovre, Denmark CSTMR№1184671): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

E-mail: rakc@ramboll.dk
Phone: +45 51613982
Country: Denmark
Town: Rødovre
Address: Rødovre Kommune, Teknisk Forvaltning
Tæbyvej 77
Kontaktperson: 2610
Telefon: +45 51613982
E-mail: rakc@ramboll.dk
Overordnet internetadresse: https://www.rodovrefjernvarme.dk/

Total: 6
20 oct

Number: 92849583

Country: Denmark

Source: TED

13 oct
District-heating mains construction work (EN DA) add to Favorites
Contract value: 23 078 851 (USD)
Price original: 175 000 000 (DKK)

Customer: Rødovre Kommune, Teknisk Forvaltning

Number: 92471022

Country: Denmark

Source: TED

14 aug
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work (EN DA) add to Favorites
Contract value: 5 169 663 (USD)
Price original: 39 200 000 (DKK)

Customer: Rødovre Kommune, Teknisk Forvaltning

Number: 89133506

Country: Denmark

Source: TED

05 jul

Number: 86963568

Country: Denmark

Source: TED

12 jun
District-heating mains construction work (EN DA) add to Favorites
Contract value: 48 135 888 (USD)
Price original: 365 000 000 (DKK)

Customer: Rødovre Kommune, Teknisk Forvaltning

Number: 85457210

Country: Denmark

Source: TED

12 may
District heating boiler (EN DA) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 584 831 (USD)
Price original: 19 600 000 (DKK)

Customer: Rødovre Kommune, Teknisk Forvaltning

Number: 83942575

Country: Denmark

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 1184670

Country: Ireland

Source: TED