BaP STAVBY a INTERIÉRY s.r.o. (Ostrava, Czech Republic, Supplier №1511139): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Czech Republic
Town: Ostrava
Address: BaP STAVBY a INTERIÉRY s.r.o., 25392077, Besední 259/2, Ostrava, 71500, Czech Republic, Kontaktní osoba: 71500,
Currency: CZK
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Number: 1511133

Country: France

Source: TED

Number: 1511134

Country: Estonia

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Number: 1511135

Country: Bulgaria

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Number: 1511136

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 1511137

Country: Spain

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Number: 1511138

Country: Luxembourg

Source: TED