South Africa: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement

Record matches: 439819 + New 201

Currently, our database contains 439819 active tenders, covering various industries and sectors of the economy in South Africa. We strive to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on tender procedures and procurements in South Africa, to help your business find new opportunities and expand its scope of activities.
Our tenders cover a wide range of economic sectors, including construction, healthcare, education, transport, energy, IT and telecommunications, as well as many other key sectors. This provides unique opportunities for companies of various sizes and specializations.

06 mar
Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the provision of audit readiness support for the 2024/2025 financial year. Scope of work: A competent successful service provider and/or independent consultants should be experienced in delivering the following: - Review quarterly financial statements including the general ledger, trial balance and all supporting schedule for items presented as well as disclosure note, - Follow-up and address all prior year external audit findings (excl. DG Commitment findings), - Assist in responding to audit queries and from time-to-time, liaise with internal and external auditors, - Review all procurement files and ensure compliance with supply chain management regulations and internal policies, - Confirming the existence of the entity’s assets through the physical verification, including tagging of assets, - Valuation of the entity’s assets by performing: I. Recalculation of depreciation, II. Assessing physical condition of assets, III. Performing impairment assessment, where necessary, IV. Review of useful lives of assets, V. Review of the accounting policy relating to assets, VI. Replacement values of assets for insurance purposes, VII. Produce a valuation report, - Completeness of assets – reconciliation of the opening balance to the closing balance, - Compiling a PPE note to the AFS, - Perform any year end journals based on the work performed above, - Assist during the year end audit on matters relating to the audit of assets, - Assess all assets and provide as estimated market value of clients property, - Provide replacement values of assets for insurance purposes, - Assess the paintings and provide a conditional assessment, - Review quarterly and annual performance information reporting and verify related portfolio of evidence (PoE) for validity, accuracy and completeness. The contract will be valid for a 8-month period. The project is expected to commence in March 2025 and end in September 2025. Please note this quotation was published late. (EN) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days

Number: 120043428

Country: South Africa


06 mar

Number: 120043429

Country: South Africa


06 mar

Number: 120044078

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 120044180

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 120044181

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 120044247

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 120044329

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 120044443

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 120045702

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 120045728

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ