Samoa: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement. Page № 22

Record matches: 2238 + New 5

06 jul

Number: 44135599

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

06 jul

Number: 44176957

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

07 jul

Number: 44187595

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

08 jul
Enhanced Road Access Project (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: The World Bank

Number: 44296733

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

09 jul

Number: 44327728

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

12 jul
IUD (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 44469852

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

15 jul
Enhanced Road Access Project (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: The World Bank

Number: 44661875

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

15 jul
Enhanced Road Access Project (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: The World Bank

Number: 44661879

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

15 jul

Number: 44664959

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

15 jul
Earnings (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 44667578

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

16 jul

Number: 44740884

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

16 jul

Number: 44752658

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

17 jul

Number: 44761382

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

17 jul

Number: 44794875

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

18 jul

Number: 44807709

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

18 jul

Number: 44811966

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

18 jul

Number: 44821381

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

19 jul

Number: 44830191

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

19 jul

Number: 44849180

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

20 jul

Number: 44862063

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

20 jul

Number: 44893388

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

21 jul

Number: 44974231

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

21 jul

Number: 44978934

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

22 jul

Number: 45029920

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

23 jul
RFQ2021/WSM/002 Procurement of ACC LAB Licenses and GO Pro Camera (EXTENDED) (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

Number: 45050093

Country: Samoa

Source: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

23 jul

Number: 45050351

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

23 jul

Number: 45109455

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

24 jul

Number: 45159496

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

25 jul

Number: 45182551

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

26 jul

Number: 45186633

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

26 jul

Number: 45188281

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

26 jul

Number: 45192434

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

27 jul
IC2021/WSM/023 National Consultant - Cook Islands Development Finance Assessment (DFA) (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

Number: 45226051

Country: Samoa

Source: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

28 jul
Drum Set (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 45280402

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

31 jul

Number: 45523187

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

01 aug

Number: 45541633

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

01 aug

Number: 45541675

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

02 aug

Number: 45575286

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

03 aug
IC2021/WSM/026 International Environmental Policy and Governance Specialist (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

Number: 45591679

Country: Samoa

Source: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

03 aug
IC2021/WSM/025 International PPG Project Coordinator (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

Number: 45591681

Country: Samoa

Source: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

03 aug

Number: 45624510

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

03 aug

Number: 45625404

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

03 aug

Number: 45625407

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

03 aug

Number: 45636622

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

05 aug

Number: 45715960

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

05 aug
IC2021/WSM/028 National Safeguards, Gender and Community Engagement Specialist (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

Number: 45747837

Country: Samoa

Source: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)

09 aug

Number: 45937509

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

10 aug

Number: 45972414

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

12 aug
Enhanced Road Access Project (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: The World Bank

Number: 46145821

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

13 aug

Number: 46179889

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

13 aug

Number: 46181986

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

13 aug

Number: 46183078

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

13 aug

Number: 46214875

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

13 aug

Number: 46215557

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

14 aug

Number: 46288036

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

14 aug

Number: 46288042

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

14 aug

Number: 46288043

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

14 aug

Number: 46288044

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

14 aug

Number: 46288045

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

14 aug

Number: 46288047

Country: Samoa

Source: The World Bank

15 aug
rebar (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 46300332

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

15 aug
Kiosk (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 46305723

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

15 aug

Number: 46315265

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

19 aug

Number: 46492439

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

22 aug

Number: 46675863

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

23 aug

Number: 46690629

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

24 aug

Number: 46744416

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

25 aug

Number: 46768278

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

25 aug

Number: 46769230

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ

26 aug

Number: 46832227

Country: Samoa

Source: RFQ