Korea (Republic of): tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement

Record matches: 4498 + New 1

Currently, our database contains 4498 active tenders, covering various industries and sectors of the economy in Korea (Republic of). We strive to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on tender procedures and procurements in Korea (Republic of), to help your business find new opportunities and expand its scope of activities.
Our tenders cover a wide range of economic sectors, including construction, healthcare, education, transport, energy, IT and telecommunications, as well as many other key sectors. This provides unique opportunities for companies of various sizes and specializations.

27 nov
Gantry CT System (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114828801

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Bulletproof Helmet (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114828802

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Recycling HPLC with Preparation (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114828803

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
High-resolution two-dimensional electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114828804

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Research Service for the Development of Digital Education Advancement Plan (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114828805

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Large Volume Water Transfer System (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114828806

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Automated solid phase extraction system (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114878781

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114882705

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114882706

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
2026 WTO TRQ Non-GM Soybean basis purchase bid(Container) (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114884522

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
2026 WTO TRQ Non-GM Soybean basis purchase bid announcement(Container) (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114884523

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
2026 WTO TRQ Non-GM Soybean basis purchase bid announcement(Container) (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114884524

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
2026 WTO TRQ Non-GM Soybean basis purchase bid(Container) (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114884525

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
2026 WTO TRQ Non-GM Soybean basis purchase bid(Container) (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114884526

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
Zone 13 Construction for Daejeon Metropolitan Transit Line No. 13 (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114895447

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

27 nov
The Construction of Daejeon Metropolitan Railway Line 2 Section 10 (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114895448

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

28 nov
Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114904193

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

28 nov
Nd:YVO4 diffusion bonding crystal and LBO crystal (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114963607

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea

28 nov
Automatic launch system for radiosonde (KR) add to Favorites
Customer: Public Procurement Service South Korea

Number: 114969875

Country: Korea (Republic of)

Source: Public Procurement Service South Korea