Kazakhstan: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement

Record matches: 1867097 + New 4059

Currently, our database contains 1867097 active tenders, covering various industries and sectors of the economy in Kazakhstan. We strive to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on tender procedures and procurements in Kazakhstan, to help your business find new opportunities and expand its scope of activities.
Our tenders cover a wide range of economic sectors, including construction, healthcare, education, transport, energy, IT and telecommunications, as well as many other key sectors. This provides unique opportunities for companies of various sizes and specializations.

22 jul
Монитор (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847519

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul

Number: 107847523

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Газ сжиженный пропан-бутан (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847524

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul

Number: 107847525

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Стулья для нужд филиала в г. Алматы (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 8 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847526

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Задвижка 882-225-Э (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 9 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847527

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Эмаль, грунтовка, сольвент (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847528

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Подшипник колеса (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847529

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Ветошь (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847530

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul

Number: 107847531

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Одежда рабочая прочая лето (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847533

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Клей (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847534

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul
Нить, герметик (KZ) add to Favorites
Deadline: 7 days
Customer: eep.mitwork.kz

Number: 107847535

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: eep.mitwork.kz

22 jul

Number: 107847585

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: RFQ

22 jul
Track Light (EN) add to Favorites
Deadline: 87 days
Customer: Made-in-china

Number: 107848283

Country: Kazakhstan

Source: Made-in-china