Japan: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement

Record matches: 135017 + New 105

Currently, our database contains 135017 active tenders, covering various industries and sectors of the economy in Japan. We strive to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on tender procedures and procurements in Japan, to help your business find new opportunities and expand its scope of activities.
Our tenders cover a wide range of economic sectors, including construction, healthcare, education, transport, energy, IT and telecommunications, as well as many other key sectors. This provides unique opportunities for companies of various sizes and specializations.

04 dec

Number: 115356286

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

04 dec

Number: 115356287

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

04 dec

Number: 115356288

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

04 dec

Number: 115358667

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

04 dec

Number: 115358770

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

04 dec

Number: 115360287

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

04 dec

Number: 115360612

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

04 dec
中央合同庁舎第5号館別館(24)改修実施図面作成等業務[総合評価] (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 16 days
Customer: 国土交通省官庁営繕部

Number: 115361558

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
R6西湘海岸沿岸土質調査業務[総合評価] (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 12 days
Customer: 国土交通省京浜河川事務所

Number: 115361559

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
R6・R7富士川砂防管内測量業務[総合評価] (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 15 days
Customer: 国土交通省富士川砂防事務所

Number: 115361560

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
市立薮塚本町小学校駐車場整備工事(事後審査) (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 5 days
Customer: 群馬県太田市

Number: 115361563

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
強戸北農集北金井町地内舗装復旧工事(事後審査) (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 5 days
Customer: 群馬県太田市

Number: 115361564

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
北部家畜保健衛生所(仮称)新築工事監理業務 (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 13 days
Customer: 埼玉県入札課

Number: 115361565

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
扇風機他15品目 (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: 航空自衛隊

Number: 115361568

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
新発田外(6)土木工事監理業務[総合評価] (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 8 days
Customer: 防衛省北関東防衛局

Number: 115361569

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

04 dec
北関東局管内(6)設備積算等支援業務(その1)[総合評価] (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 8 days
Customer: 防衛省北関東防衛局

Number: 115361570

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp