Japan: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement

Record matches: 135299 + New 106

Currently, our database contains 135299 active tenders, covering various industries and sectors of the economy in Japan. We strive to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on tender procedures and procurements in Japan, to help your business find new opportunities and expand its scope of activities.
Our tenders cover a wide range of economic sectors, including construction, healthcare, education, transport, energy, IT and telecommunications, as well as many other key sectors. This provides unique opportunities for companies of various sizes and specializations.

05 dec
配水管布設替工事第5号(認定外道路) (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: 栃木県宇都宮市上下水道局

Number: 115458963

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
配水管新設工事第115号(市道1515号線) (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: 栃木県宇都宮市上下水道局

Number: 115458964

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
舗装復旧工事第19号(主要地方道藤原宇都宮線) (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: 栃木県宇都宮市上下水道局

Number: 115458965

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
舗装復旧工事第21号(市道2499号線ほか7路線) (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: 栃木県宇都宮市上下水道局

Number: 115458966

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
舗装復旧工事第307号(市道572号線ほか1路線) (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: 栃木県宇都宮市上下水道局

Number: 115458967

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
道路施設整備工事(6西の3)道路監視設備改修 (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458971

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
狭山公園管理所等改築電気設備工事(6) (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458972

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec

Number: 115458973

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
葛西市場(6)自動検針設備改修工事 (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458974

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
川口川整備工事(その31) (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458975

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
古川整備工事(その27) (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458976

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
善福寺川取水施設外4か所監視カメラ設備改修工事 (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458977

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
隅田川(言問橋下流)左岸防潮堤耐震補強工事 (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458978

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec
靖国共同溝補修基本設計 (JP) add to Favorites
Deadline: 1 days
Customer: 東京都財務局

Number: 115458979

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec

Number: 115458980

Country: Japan

Source: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

05 dec

Number: 115462492

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

05 dec

Number: 115464428

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

05 dec

Number: 115464529

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

05 dec

Number: 115468158

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

05 dec

Number: 115468226

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ