Japan: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement

Record matches: 146862 + New 130

Currently, our database contains 146862 active tenders, covering various industries and sectors of the economy in Japan. We strive to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on tender procedures and procurements in Japan, to help your business find new opportunities and expand its scope of activities.
Our tenders cover a wide range of economic sectors, including construction, healthcare, education, transport, energy, IT and telecommunications, as well as many other key sectors. This provides unique opportunities for companies of various sizes and specializations.

06 mar

Number: 119992215

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 119994269

Country: Japan

Source: RFQ

06 mar

Number: 119995477

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar

Number: 119995478

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar
Gas to use in Central Government Building No. 2 1 set (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: Government Procurement Japan

Number: 119995479

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar

Number: 119995480

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar

Number: 119995481

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar
Kyushu area high added value container manufacture work, 4 sets (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: Government Procurement Japan

Number: 119995483

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar

Number: 119995484

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar
Renovation of Asuka Historical Museum exhibition room (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: Government Procurement Japan

Number: 119995485

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar

Number: 119995486

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar

Number: 119995487

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar
Fuel Oil A 200kL (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: Government Procurement Japan

Number: 119995488

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar

Number: 119995491

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan

06 mar
Hardware of manuscript support system 1 set (JP) add to Favorites
Customer: Government Procurement Japan

Number: 119995492

Country: Japan

Source: Government Procurement Japan