Bangladesh: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement

Record matches: 376164 + New 167

Currently, our database contains 376164 active tenders, covering various industries and sectors of the economy in Bangladesh. We strive to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on tender procedures and procurements in Bangladesh, to help your business find new opportunities and expand its scope of activities.
Our tenders cover a wide range of economic sectors, including construction, healthcare, education, transport, energy, IT and telecommunications, as well as many other key sectors. This provides unique opportunities for companies of various sizes and specializations.

11 dec
Bamboo Lid (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 115758877

Country: Bangladesh

Source: RFQ

11 dec

Number: 115759226

Country: Bangladesh

Source: RFQ

11 dec

Number: 115759546

Country: Bangladesh

Source: RFQ

11 dec

Number: 115759964

Country: Bangladesh

Source: RFQ

11 dec
Jamuna River Sustainable Management Project 1 (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: The World Bank

Number: 115760720

Country: Bangladesh

Source: The World Bank

11 dec
Livestock and Dairy Development Project (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: The World Bank

Number: 115760723

Country: Bangladesh

Source: The World Bank

11 dec

Number: 115761024

Country: Bangladesh

Source: The World Bank

11 dec

Number: 115761044

Country: Bangladesh

Source: The World Bank

11 dec

Number: 115761153

Country: Bangladesh

Source: The World Bank

11 dec

Number: 115761174

Country: Bangladesh

Source: The World Bank

11 dec
Purchase of Electrification & Distribution Line Materials (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Number: 115763521

Country: Bangladesh

Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit

11 dec
Procurement of Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) with Monitoring Tool. (EN) add to Favorites
Deadline: 22 days
Customer: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Number: 115763522

Country: Bangladesh

Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit

11 dec
(EN) add to Favorites
Deadline: 27 days
Customer: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Number: 115763525

Country: Bangladesh

Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit

11 dec
Air Compressor KM 6001 for instrument Air (EN) add to Favorites
Deadline: 42 days
Customer: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Number: 115763526

Country: Bangladesh

Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit