VZW Diensten ter Ondersteuning van Katholiek Onderwijs (Brussel, Belgium CSTMR№716062): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

E-mail: stefan.deweerdt@katholiekonderwijs.vlaanderen
Phone: +32 25070602
Country: Belgium
Town: Brussel
Address: VZW Diensten ter Ondersteuning van Katholiek Onderwijs
Guimardstraat 1
Contactpersoon: 1040
Telefoon: +32 25070602
E-mail: stefan.deweerdt@katholiekonderwijs.vlaanderen
Hoofdadres: www.doko.be
Adres van het kopersprofiel: https://enot.publicprocurement.be/enot-war/preViewNotice.do?noticeId=343124

Total: 9
24 mar

Number: 80952038

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

17 mar

Number: 80413837

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79990157

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79990158

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79990159

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79990212

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

08 mar

Number: 79277747

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

11 nov
School books (EN NL) add to Favorites
Contract value: 117 657 440 (USD)
Price original: 120 000 000 (EUR)

Customer: VZW Diensten ter Ondersteuning van Katholiek Onderwijs

Number: 73279309

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 716058

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 716060

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 716061

Country: Belgium

Source: TED