Construction work for water and sewage pipelines (№24028105)

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  1. Section I
    1. Name and addresses
      Water Sector Projects Implementation Branch of the Armenian Territorial Development Fund (former Water Sector Projects Implementation Unit, SA)
      8 Vardanants Blind Alley (5-th floor)
      Telephone: +374 10522550
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Fax: +374 10560362
    2. Type of the contracting authority:
      National or federal agency/office
    3. Main activity:
      Other activity: Water
  2. Section II
    1. Scope of the procurement:
      1. Title:

        Lot 1: Rehabilitation of Water Supply Systems and Sewer Systems of the Shirak Water and Sewerage CJSC Service Area

        Reference number: EIB-GtP/CIP II-P3-SH
      2. Main CPV code:
      3. Type of contract:
      4. Short description:

        Rehabilitation, renewal and extension of the water supply networks and sewer system in Shirak regions, Armenia.

      5. Information about lots:
        This contract is divided into lots: no
      6. Total value of the procurement:
        Value excluding VAT: 11 505 384.66 EUR
    2. Description
      1. Title:
      2. Additional CPV code(s):

      3. Place of performance:
        Main site or place of performance:

        Shirak region (Gyumri town and surrounding 12 villages), Armenia.

      4. Description of the procurement:

        The intended works are as follows:

        Within the Gyumri Urban Area

        • approximately 115 km of water distribution pipelines (HDPE) ranging from 90 to 315 mm external diameter;

        • approximately 3 500 new house service connections, including new service pipes;

        • new valves, chambers and pipework to three (3) existing service reservoirs;

        • replacement of valves and pipework in four (4) existing small reservoir/break pressure tanks;

        • works to decommission the existing water distribution network;

        • five water distribution pipe river crossing;

        • approximately 6 500 m of replacement sewerage (150 to 500 mm diameter).

        Within the Shirak Villages

        Works are located within 12 villages in the Shirak area,

        • 70 km of water distribution pipelines (HDPE) ranging from 90 to 225 mm external diameter;

        • approximately 1 600 new house service connections, including new service pipes;

        • water distribution pipe river crossings;

        • rehabilitation works to an existing service reservoir.

      5. Award criteria:
        Quality criterion - Name: Key Personnel (CVs) / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: General ability to mobilize staff / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Construction Equipment / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Proposed equipment and supplies / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Data sheets of main material and equipment / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Information on intended sub-contractors / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Method statement and Construction schedule / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Quality control/Assurance System / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Environmental Management Policy / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: Occupational Health and Safety Capacity / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Quality criterion - Name: ILO Core Labor Standards and Ethical Business Principals / Weighting: Pass/Fail
        Price - Weighting: Lowest price offered
      6. Information about options:
        Options: no
      7. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      8. Additional information:

        The following rules apply to the evaluation and ranking of the bids.

        • the evaluation of the technical bid follows a pass/fails approach;

        • admin compliance must be provided;

        • bids not complying with any of the individual criteria and/or specifications are rejected;

        • tenderer who complies with the technical requirements and submits proposal with the lowest bid is invited for contract negotiation.

  3. Section IV
    1. Description:
      1. Type of procedure:
        Competitive procedure with negotiation
      2. Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system:
      3. Information about electronic auction:
      4. Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
        The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
    2. Administrative information:
      1. Previous publication concerning this procedure:
        Notice number in the OJ S: 2018/S 086-192623
      2. Information about termination of dynamic purchasing system:
      3. Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice:
        The contracting authority will not award any further contracts based on the above prior information notice
  4. Section V
    1. Contract No: CIP II-P3-SH

      Lot-1: Rehabilitation of Water Supply Systems and Sewer Systems of the Shirak Water and Sewerage CJSC Service Area

    2. Award of contract
      1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2021-02-10
      2. Information about tenders:
        Number of tenders received: 3
        Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 1
        The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
      3. Name and address of the contractor:
        Dorozhink LLC/ Himnaqar CJSC Joint Venture — Dorozhnik LLC (Leading company)
        Aygestan, Askeran Region
        Telephone: +374 10720054
        E-mail: [email protected]
        Fax: +374 10733767
        The contractor is an SME: no
      4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

        Total value of the contract/lot: 11 505 384.66 EUR
      5. Information about subcontracting:

  5. Section VI
    1. Additional information

      The following rules apply to the evaluation and ranking of the bids.

      • the evaluation of the technical bid follows a pass/fails approach;

      • admin compliance must be provided;

      • bids not complying with any of the individual criteria and/or specifications are rejected;

      • tenderer who complies with the technical requirements and submits proposal with the lowest bid is invited for contract negotiation.

    2. Procedures for review
      1. Review body
        The Government of the Republic of Armenia through the Armenian Territorial Development Fund (ATDF)
      2. Body responsible for mediation procedures

      3. Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained

    3. Date of dispatch of this notice